+Arri LMB Pro set 4x5
From a single-filter configuration for gimbals, drones, or Steadicams to clamp-on versions up to rod-mounted solutions, the LMB 4x5 makes short work of challenging situations.
+Arri LMB-25 4x5 clip-on
4x5 clip-on available with two or three stages. Includes top flag.
+Arri LMB-15 4x5 clip-on
4x5 clip-on available with two or three stages. Includes top flag. Quick release shade.
+Arri LMB-5 4x5 Clip-on
4x5 clip-on available with two or three stages. Includes top flag.
+Arri LMB-4 6x6 Clip-on
6x6 clip-on available with two-stages. Includes top flag.
+ Arri LMB Pro set 4x5
From a single-filter configuration for gimbals, drones, or Steadicams to clamp-on versions up to rod-mounted solutions, the LMB 4x5 makes short work of challenging situations.
+ Arri SMB-1 6x6 studio
Studio rodded 6x6 Matte Box available in one, two, or three stages. Includes top flag, two side flags, Hard Mattes, and graduated whip. Configurable for studio 15mm or 19mm support in either spherical or anamorphic.
+ Arri SMB-2 4x5 studio
Studio rodded 4x5 Matte Box available in one, two, or three stages. Includes top flag, two side flags, Hard Mattes, and graduated whip. Configurable for studio 15mm or 19mm support in either spherical or anamorphic.
+ Arri mb-14 6x6 studio
Available in two, three, or four stages. Includes top flag, two side flags, and six mattes. 15mm or 19mm support bracket.
+ Arri mb-18 4x5 studio
Available in two or three stage. Includes top flag, two side flags, and six mattes. 19mm support bracket.
+ Arri mb-19 4x5 studio
Available in two stage. Includes top flag and two side flags. LW, 15mm, or 19mm support bracket.
+ Arri mb-20 4x5 studio
Available in two or three stage. Includes top flag and two side flags. LW, 15mm, or 19mm support bracket.
+ Arri MMB-1 4x5 studio
Available in two stage. Includes top flag. 15mm LW support bracket.
+ Wooden Camera Zip Box 4x5
A lightweight rubber clip on matte box perfect for gimbal work. Available in 80-85mm, 90-95mm, and 110-114mm for either single or double filter usage.
+ Wooden Camera Zip Box Pro 4x5
A lightweight single filter plastic clip on matte box that's perfect for compact builds. Available in 95mm, and 114mm versions.
+ K&F Concept Matte Box System 4x5
A small plastic 4x5 mattebox system for threaded SLR/Mirrorless lenses. Includes Top/side flags, 2x 4x5 trays, 67mm ring, 72mm ring, 77mm ring, 82mm ring, and 95mm ring.